Seven Days of Self-care as a Mum

‘Self-care’ is all but non-existent as a mum. However, we must find ways to show ourselves a little love to maintain our sanity. Since I couldn’t capture my husband relieving me of baby H’s 5am wake-up call (by far the greatest form of care, albeit not undertaken by myself), here’s my version of self-care.


New vase, new lilies. I didn’t consider their shedding stamen upon purchase. Given the cleaning up of escaped pollen is the opposite of self-care, I may have to delegate the task… Still, don’t they look pretty?


A roast dinner cooked by my husband on a Tuesday, because, why not? In reality we couldn’t face the level of prep required for a roast after taking baby H to his swimming lesson on Sunday!


A slab of new black peppercorn soap to see in hump day. Fabulous.


Perhaps the most unphotogenic dessert ever there was. But look how huge the slice is! Courgette and pistachio cake was a risqué decision, which unfortunately didn’t pay off. Luckily, I’d also picked up a hunk of millionaire’s shortbread. No photo, as patience lost out to greed.


Stripes on stripes on stripes.

Featured: New The White Company brushed cotton pjs.

Not featured: The milkano which later erupted all over featured pjs.


Another less than ‘gram worthy photo. But I love stemless, and my husband loves stems (?). That doesn’t sound quite right. Let’s just say, my husband doesn’t appreciate my appreciation for alternate glassware. N.B. Enjoying a glass of wine as a nursing mum, after more than a year of sobriety, is sensational.


Finding my husband had lovingly set Baby H’s bath ready to go, down to his beloved blue sheep, filled me with love for them both. By far my favourite day of self-care.

The End

Self-care is over for a long time.



Today was going to be so productive. It really was. It was going to be just like last weekend when we were up early, and buying boxes by 10am to organise our wardrobes (our Marie Kondo efforts will be shared in a later post!), brunching by 1pm, and home with mountains of washing done by 4pm. I had my To-Do list ready to go, subdivided into ‘House’, ‘Baby’, and ‘General Life Admin’.

Instead, we switched off our alarm, woke up naturally and shamefully late, sat around chatting with family (and me obsessively photographing the family dogs), lit a fire, and are now about to sit down to Bird Box on Netflix. Oh, and before I forget, my late night Thursday online mini shopping haul (of apparently all red items?) arrived, and I ordered a single item on my maternity bag list. That means I can feel some sense of achievement…right?!

I could sit and ponder on our wasted Saturday, but I’d much rather kick back and have cuddles with my poodle. Plus, we don’t have many of these lazy, guilt free weekends remaining so we kind of deserve it.

Movie snack recommendation (and best recent discovery): The Natural Confectionary Company Sour Squirms.