
Well I had my mini glucose tolerance test (MGTT) today, and it was absolutely vile! I mean, I knew as I counted out 17 Lucozade tablets it wasn’t going to be tasty, but still. At least (fingers crossed) that’s the last of that for this pregnancy at least. Fortunately, the midwife was a pro when it came to extracting my blood and it wasn’t in the least bit painful. The last time I had bloods taken I was at the hands of a student who left me very bruised!

Also on the upside, I am now officially 28 weeks, and into my third and final trimester-yayyy!  According to one of my many baby apps, our baby boy is now 38cm and weighs c.1kg. Given I’ve been obsessively following his growth from a poppy seed at 4 weeks to a cantaloupe melon this week, it seems such an achievement to finally be at this stage. Also, and despite comments on the size of my bump (see last post), my Fundal height is spot on for my stage of pregnancy! At least I will now have that in my arsenal for the next daring commentator…

My plan for the next 12 weeks is to a) try not to balloon too much as people have been telling me the last trimester is when you really start to store up fat in prep for breastfeeding (although I suspect my efforts will be futile because I have never, and certainly won’t start denying my pregnant self anything now when my baby’s growth is key!), b) stay calm, which I suspect will be even more futile given my propensity to overthink EVERYTHING, c) antenatal appointments galore…I have 8?! I’m not really sure what’s the normal number and given I love to over prepare I was keen to sign up to lots of different classes, and d) go through my baby list to see which remaining items I need to purchase, and when. This last point I’m looking forward to most. I’ve been holding off on purchasing some items because from the posts I’ve read from other mums to be, the last couple of weeks before the baby’s EDD (and after if they’re late!), pass by really slowly and I’ll want things to keep me occupied. That being said, last night in some kind of mad nesting/organisation panic, I started ordering Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment, Multi-Mam Compresses, and nappy/diaper bags. I’m not even talking the kind you carry all the baby stuff around in, since that was purchased months ago, but rather the disposable ones you get through on a ten-a-day basis! In my defence the nappy rash cream was on special offer…

I will at some point share a post on my baby list, given I went to the extreme effort of composing an Excel spreadsheet with all the items, and web links on where to purchase said items. The latter I gleaned from hours and hours of trawling forums, magazines, and review sites. I even signed up to Which? But this is standard me. Whenever I feel something is outside of my comfort zone, which having a baby is given that I’m a first time mum, I like to do all that is humanly possible to bring said activity into my comfort zone. Since nothing can prepare you for a baby, the next best option for me is to get everything as organised and prepared as possible. With that in mind, I need to go and finish off my To Do list.